

The use of this website and its forms requires acceptance of the processing of user data in accordance with this privacy policy, including the collection of access data and the use of own and third-party cookies, including commercial purposes.

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

The company responsible for processing your data according to this Privacy Policy is: 


CIF: B-62564091

Apd. de Correos, N 188
08389 Palafolls
Barcelona, Spain

Mail: info@spainmusictours.eu

The purpose of this privacy policy is to regulate all the aspects relating to the processing of data of the different users browsing the website or providing their personal details on the different forms to be found on it. 

Personal Data Personal Data is the information that identifies you or may identify you. Through the website, in the boxes that are stablished for that purpose, it is collected the personal data that the User provides us: Name, surname, email, telephone number, postal code, city, etc. In addition, it is collected all the personal data that the User voluntarily provides us through any of the social networks, of which the User is registered. In this case, the privacy settings will depend on both the configuration that the User established as well as the terms and conditions of the social network itself. 

When a user visits the website, this does not mean that he/she has to provide any information about his/her personal data. However, if such information is provided, the data will be processed lawfully and subject at all times to the principles and rights contained in the GDPR 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 and the LOPDGDD 3/2018 of 5 December. 

Purpose, duration and legitimation of the processing: We will process the data provided to us by the user for the following purposes: 

To deal with the user’s application or request made using the contact form on the website. We collect and process the user’s personal data to enable us to process and manage his/her application, query or any request made using said form. We will keep these data for the time necessary to comply with the request and for the time established by law, with a minimum duration of 3 years. 

The basis for legitimation of the data processing will be the consent granted by the user when checking the box for acceptance of our privacy policy before sending the request. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn. 

To manage the user’s registration and participation in the blog comments form on the website. These comments will be managed by the WordPress platform. We will keep the data given to us for as long as the user does not request cancellation of his/her subscription to the blog content, for the time established by law, and for a minimum duration of 3 years. 

The basis for legitimation of the data processing will be the consent granted by the user when registering through the blog subscription form and checking the box for acceptance of our privacy policy before sending the request. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn. 

To send circulars and newsletters about ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. services. When we have the user’s consent, we collect and process his/her personal data to send him/her information about our products and services. We will keep these data for as long as the user does not revoke his/her consent to them being processed, for the time established by law and for a minimum duration of 3 years. 

The basis for legitimation of the data processing will be the consent granted by the user when checking the box for acceptance of our privacy policy before subscribing to the newsletter in the form provided for this purpose on the website. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn. 

To enroll as a “registered user” by the registration form on the website, which will allow the user to access to their private services area in order to make use of the platform. We will keep these data for as long as the user does not request cancellation of his/her registration, and for the time established by law, with a minimum duration of 3 years. 

The basis for legitimation of the data processing will be the consent granted by the user when registering with the registration form and checking the box for acceptance of our privacy policy before sending the request. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn. 

To improve the user experience when browsing the website. We will keep these data for as long as the user does not revoke his/her consent to them being processed by deleting the cookies, for the time established by law and for a minimum duration of 3 years. 

The legitimate basis for improving website browsing is the consent given by the user when accepting the cookies. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn. 

To manage our social networks and send users information about our activities and products. We will keep these data for as long as the user does not revoke his/her consent to them being processed, for the time established by law and for a minimum duration of 3 years. 

The legitimate basis for managing our social networks and sending users our activities and new features is the consent we are given to do so. The user has the right to revoke his/her consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given prior to it being withdrawn. 

Assignment or communication of personal data and international transfers: 

The data of the registered applicants will be provided to the companies or collaborating entities for their evaluation to carry out the practices. 

Your data will not be communicated or transferred to third parties unless there is a legal obligation, or to those service providers associated with the Controller which act as data processors. 

Data will not be transferred internationally; if, at any time, this might be required, the user will be informed so that his/her consent can be obtained. 

Updating of data In order for us to keep the personal data up to date, the user must always inform us of any change in said data; if this is not done, we cannot be liable for the veracity of the data. 

The user guarantees that the personal data provided are true, and guarantees that all the information provided corresponds to reality, is up to date and is accurate. He/she is obliged to communicate any modification thereto. 

Third Party Data If the user provides third party data for any purpose to ANIMAFEST, S.L.U., he/she guarantees that he/she has obtained these data lawfully, has informed the affected parties in advance, has obtained his/her consent to communicate them, and that the information provided is accurate and true. 

Compulsory nature of the information requested All our forms have an asterisk (*) to indicate which details are compulsory. If the user does not complete these fields, or does not check the privacy policy box, the information will not be sent. 

Use of passwords In order to access your account, the USER must “Log in” and include the email address and password generated in the registration form according to the complexity rules established at each moment on the web. 

The users are responsible for the adequate custody and confidentiality of any identifiers and/or passwords that they have selected in the registration from, and they undertake not to assign their use to third parties, nor to allow their access to outsiders. 

Likewise, it will be the obligation of the user to notify immediately to the Controller any fact that allows the misuse of the identifiers and/or passwords, such as theft, loss, or unauthorized access to them, in order to proceed to its immediate cancellation. 

Rights of data subjects: You have the right to access your data and obtain confirmation regarding the processing thereof, as well as a copy of the personal data being processed. You have the right to update them and request that any inaccurate data be corrected, or request removal of the data when they are not necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. You may request a restriction in the processing of your data and object to them being processed by revoking your consent, and also exercise your right to data portability. Similarly, you have the right not to be the subject of decisions based solely on the automated processing of your personal data. You may exercise your rights by contacting us C/ Salvador Espriu, 11 – 08389 Palafolls (Barcelona).
Email: info@spainmusictours.eu

If you consider that your rights have not been duly respected, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency www.aepd.es 

Processing of the data of Minors Anyone providing data through the forms on this website and accepting the processing of such states that he/she is at least 14 years old. Access to, and use of the website is prohibited for anyone younger than 14. If, at any time, the Data Controller detects that a person younger than 14 years of age has provided personal data, we will cancel said data. In addition, parents or tutors may in any event write to ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. to block any access account created by minors in their charge who have registered by falsifying their identity. 

Social Networks The object of social tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. or other social networks is to give visibility and dissemination of the activities that take place in our organization. These social tools store personal data in the servers of the corresponding services and are governed by their own privacy policy. It is recommended to review and read the conditions of use and the privacy policy of the social network at the time of registration, taking into account the different configuration ́s possibilities regarding the privacy of the user’s profile in the social network. In addition, the Controller reserves the right to erase from its social networks any published information by third-parties that trespasses the legality, encourages to infringe it or contains messages that infringe upon human dignity or institutions. Likewise, the Controller reserves the right to block or report the author ́s profile of such content. 

Cookies: A cookie is a small file that is downloaded and stored on the user’s computer when he/she access a website. Cookies allow the website, amongst other things, to store and recover information on the browsing habits of the user or of his/her 

computer and, depending on the information they contain and the way in which you use your computer, they may be used for user recognition. 

The user has the option to prevent the generation of cookies, by selecting the corresponding option in his/her browser program. You can obtain more information by reading our Cookies Policy. 

Web: Legal Notice and Blog Rueles of Behaviour 


ANIMAFEST, S.L.U., as the party responsible for the website, hereinafter the website MANAGER, makes this document available to its users, for the purpose of complying with the obligations set out in Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSICE), BOE No. 166, and also to inform all users of the website of its conditions of use. 

Any person accessing this website assumes the role of user, and undertakes to observe and comply strictly with the provisions herein, and with any other legal provision that might apply. 

ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. reserves the right to modify any type of information that might appear on the website, with no obligation to provide advance notice or make users aware of said obligations; it shall be understood that the mere fact that it is published on the ANIMAFEST, S.L.U., website is sufficient. 

1IDENTIFICATION DETAILS Domain name: www.animafestexperience.com Company name: ANIMAFEST, S.L.U.. NIF: B62564091 Registered office: C/ Salvador Espriu, 11 08389 Palafolls (Barcelona) Telephone no.: 639 327453 E-mail:
Registered in the (Commercial / Public) Register: 

2. INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS The website, including as examples, though not limited to these, its programming, edition, compilation and other elements necessary for it to function, the designs, logos, text and/or graphics, are the property of the MANAGER or, where relevant, it has a licence or explicit authorisation from the authors. All the website content is duly protected by intellectual and industrial property legislation, and is registered in the corresponding public registers. 

Irrespective of the purpose for which said content was intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, operation, distribution and commercialisation requires, under all circumstances, the prior written authorisation of the MANAGER. Any use that is not authorised in advance is considered a serious breach of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights. 

Any designs, logos, text and/or graphics which do not belong to the MANAGER, and which might appear on the website, belong to their respective owners, and they themselves are liable for any dispute that might arise with regard to them. The MANAGER explicitly authorises third parties to re-direct directly to the specific content on the website and, in any event, re-direct to the main http:www.animafestexperience.com 

The MANAGER recognises the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights of their holders, and the fact that they are referred to or appear on the website does not mean that it has any rights or responsibility over said rights. Neither does it provide any guarantee, sponsorship or recommendation for such. 

If you wish to make any comments on possible infringements of the intellectual or industrial property rights, or regarding any of the website content, you may do so by sending an e-mail to:  info@spainmusictours.eu


ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. thanks you for your interest in using our participation channels. Comments are a way for all users of this medium to participate. However, before you participate in our blogs, you will have to accept the following rules: 

1. User Liability. When participating in the web blogs, the user is the sole person liable for the messages disseminated therein, and guarantees that he/she will hold ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. fully harmless with regard to any claim that might be made in this aspect. 

If the messages contain material protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, the user guarantees that he/she is the owner or has the owner’s authorisation to distribute such material in the Blog, and holds ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. harmless from any claim from third parties that might arise in this aspect. 

2. Before publishing a message, the user must select the appropriate blog. Any messages that are not relevant to the topic of the blog may be deleted. The publishing of promotions and links to commercial offers, advertising, promotional material or chain letters is strictly prohibited, as is any direct or indirect promotional activity or any other type of comment not appropriate for the normal development of topics in the blogs. 

3. The user must respect all other users. The user must be tolerant and respectful with the messages and opinions of other users. Any messages that might be considered harmful to third-party rights or which prevent peaceful participation in the blogs may be removed. 

4. ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. reserves the right to reproduce, modify, or disseminate the messages published on the web blogs in accordance with the appropriate terms and measures, and the user is not entitled to any type of compensation. 

5. ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. is not responsible for what is published in the web blogs, nor does it guarantee the veracity or accuracy of the information published in them. It is the user sending the messages or information who is responsible for their content. 

6. ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. does not guarantee the availability or the continuity of the web blogs service, and may modify it, suspend it or remove it from the website with no prior notice, at any time. 

7. If a user is affected by illegal actions, or detects incorrect use of the web blogs by other users, he/she may inform ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. of this by sending an e-mail to [[MailWeb]], indicating in the subject line “blog moderation”, so that ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. can moderate or remove them. 

8. The user shall hold ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. harmless with regard to any claim which may be made against it for the messages that the user has disseminated in the blogs or for any other conduct associated with or deriving from the use made by the user of the web blogs. 

4. EXEMPTION FROM LIABILITY The MANAGER is exempt from any type of liability deriving from the information published on its website, provided this information has been handled or entered by a third party beyond its control. 

Use of Cookies This website may use technical cookies (small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page) to carry out certain functions considered essential for the correct functioning and viewing of the website. The cookies used are, in any event, temporary in nature; their sole purpose is to make browsing more efficient, and they disappear when the user ends his/her session. Under no circumstances do these cookies provide personal data by themselves, and neither are they used to collect such data. Cookies may also be used to ensure that the website server recognises the browser used by the user, to make browsing simpler; it allows, for example, access for users who have registered previously for the areas, services, promotions or competitions reserved exclusively for them without having to register on every visit. They may also be used to measure audience, traffic parameters, monitor the progress and number of entries, etc. In these cases, they are cookies that are technically dispensable but beneficial for the user. This website will not install dispensable cookies without the user’s prior consent. 

It is possible for the user to configure his/her browser to receive alerts when cookies are received, and to prevent them being installed on his/her computer. Please consult your browser’s instructions for more detailed information on this. 

Links policy It is possible that you may be re-directed from the website to content on third party websites. Given that the MANAGER cannot always monitor the content third parties place on their respective websites, it cannot be held liable for any of said content. In any event, it will withdraw immediately any content that might contravene domestic or international laws, morals or public order, will withdraw immediately the re-direction to said website, and will make the relevant authorities aware of the content in question. The MANAGER cannot be held liable for the information and content stored in the following, which are examples, and not an exhaustive list: forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social networks or any other medium which allows third parties to publish content independently on the MANAGER’s website. However, in compliance with articles 11 and 16 of the LSSICE, it makes itself available to all users, authorities and security forces, and cooperates actively in the withdrawal or, where relevant, blocking of all content that might affect or contravene domestic or international laws, the rights of third parties or morals and public order. If you as a user consider that the website features any content which might fall under this heading, we request that you inform the website administrator immediately. 

This website has been checked and tested to ensure that it works correctly. In principle, correct functioning can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. However, the MANAGER does not rule out the possibility that there might be certain programming errors, or that there might be causes of force majeure, natural catastrophes, strikes or similar circumstances that make access to the website impossible. 

IP Addresses The website servers may detect automatically the IP address and the domain name used by the user. An IP address is a number assigned automatically to a computer when it connects to the Internet. All this information is recorded in a duly registered server activity file which allows subsequent processing of the data in order to obtain solely statistical measurements that reveal the number of pages printed, the number of visits made to the web servers, the order of visits, the point of access, etc. 


For the resolution of any disputes or similar matters related to this website or the activities carried out on it, Spanish law shall apply. The parties submit themselves explicitly to Spanish law, and the resolution of any conflicts deriving from or related to the use of the website shall be the competence of the Courts and Tribunals closest to Palafolls. 

COOKIES: Cookies policy (TEMPLATE) 

IINFORMATION ABOUT COOKIES Owing to the entry into force of the aforementioned modification to the “Information Society Services Law” (LSSICE) established by Royal Decree 13/2012, it is compulsory for the explicit consent of any user using websites that employ non- essential cookies to be obtained before he/she begins browsing. 

WHAT ARE COOKIES? Cookies and other similar technologies, such as local shared objects, flash cookies or pixels, are tools used by Web servers to store and recover information about website visitors, and also to ensure correct functioning of the website. 

We use own (or first-party) and third-party cookies to improve our services, customise our website, make it easier for our users to browse, offer an improved experience when using the website, identify problems and thereby improve the website, carry out measurements and usage statistics and show you advertising related to your preferences by analysing use of the website. 

Consent We inform you that we can use cookies on your device provided you have given your consent, except in those cases where the cookies are necessary to browse our website. If you give your consent, we will be able to use cookies that will allow us to gather more information about your preferences and customise our website according to your individual interests. 

Depending on their duration, cookies may be: 

Session cookies. These cookies are designed to collect and store data when the user accesses a website. These cookies are not stored on the user’s computer when the session expires or when the user closes the browser. 

Persistent cookies. With these cookies the data remain stored on the user’s computer and can be accessed and processed when the user leaves the website and when he/she re-connects to it. These cookies can be deleted at any time by the User. 

Depending on the organisation managing them: 

Own or first-party cookies: These cookies are sent to the user’s terminal from a computer or domain managed by the owner of the website from which the service requested by the user is provided. 

Third-party cookies: These cookies are sent to the user’s terminal from a computer or domain not managed by the owner of the website from which the service requested by the user is provided, but by another organisation that processes the data obtained through the cookies. In addition, if the cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the website owner but the information collected by them is managed by a third party, they will also be considered third-party cookies. 

Depending on the purpose: 

Technical cookies. These cookies allow the user to browse a website, platform or application and use the different options or services existing on them, such as monitoring the traffic and communication of data, identifying the session, accessing restricted access areas, remembering the component elements of an order, carrying out the order purchase process, dealing with an application for registration or participation in an event, using security elements during browsing, storing content for the dissemination of videos or sound, or sharing content on social networks. 

Geolocation cookies. These are used to find your user location when you request a service. This cookie is anonymous and is used, for example, to offer you relevant information depending on the country where you are located. 

Customisation cookies. These allow the user to access the service with certain predefined general characteristics depending on a series of criteria in the user’s terminal, such as language, the type of browser used to access the service, the regional configuration from which the service is accessed, etc. 

Analytics cookies. These allow the entity responsible for them to track and analyse the behaviour of the users of the website to which they are linked. The information collected by this type of cookies is used to measure activity 

on the website, platform or application and to create browsing profiles for the users of that website, platform or application, in order to introduce improvements according to the analysis of the users’ data usage. 

Advertising cookies. These cookies allow us to manage as efficiently as possible the offer of advertising spaces on the website, adapting the advertising content to the content of the service requested or the use made of our website. 

Behavioural advertising cookies. These allow us to manage, as efficiently as possible, the advertising spaces on the website. These cookies store information on your user behaviour obtained through continuous observation of your browsing habits, allowing us to develop a specific profile to show advertising adapted to that profile. 


List the names of the cookies: 

PHPSESSID: a strictly necessary technical cookie that contains the session identifier. It is erased when the browser is closed. 

_lang: a strictly necessary technical cookie that contains the session language. It is erased when the browser is closed. 

ac_cookies: technical and strictly necessary cookie that contains the value of whether the installation of cookies has been accepted. It expires 1 year after the last use. 

_ga: Google Analytics cookie that enables the monitoring function for single visits. The first time a user enters the website via a browser, this cookie will be installed. When this user re-enters the website with the same browser, the cookie will consider that it is the same user. Only if the user changes browser will he/she be considered a different user. It expires 2 year after the last use. 

_gat: this cookie is associated with Google Analytics Universal. It is used to limit the request speed – a limitation on the collection of data on websites with high traffic. It expires after 10 minutes. 

_utma: Google Analytics cookie that records the date of first and last time the user visited the site. It expires 2 year after the last use. 

_utmb: Google Analytics cookie that records the time of arrival at the website. It expires 30 year after the last use._utmc: Google Analytics cookie used for interoperability with the tracking code urchin.js. It is erased when thebbrowser is closed. 

_utmt: Google Analytics cookie. This cookie is used to process the type of request made by the user. It expires when the session ends. 

_utmv: Google Analytics cookie. This cookie is used to segment demographic data. It expires when the session ends._utmz: Google Analytics cookie that stores the traffic source or a campaign to explain how the user reached the website It expires 6 months after the last use. 


You as a user can, at any time, allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your device by changing the settings on the browser installed on your computer: 

If you deactivate the cookies, it will not prevent you from browsing the website, but the use of some services may be limited and, consequently, your browsing experience may be less satisfactory. 

You as a user may withdraw your consent relating to the Cookies Policy at any time, and may delete the cookies stored on your device by adjusting your internet browser settings, as described above. 



Select the Tools icon 1. 

Click on Settings. 2. 

Click on Advanced. 3. 

In the section “Privacy and security”, click on Content Settings. 4. 

Remove cookies: Click on All cookies and site data… 

Do not allow cookies to be stored. 

Click on Delete browsing data (empty Cache). 5. 

Close and re-open the browser. 6. 

For more information on Chrome, click here: http://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=es 

Internet Explorer. Version 11 

Select Tools / Internet Options. 1. 

Click on the “General” file. 2. 

In the section “Browsing history”, click on Delete browsing history upon leaving. 3. 

Select Remove files. 4. 

Select Remove cookies. 5. 

Click on Remove. 6. 

Click on OK. 7. 

Close and re-open the browser. 8. 

For more information on Internet Explorer, click here: http://windows.microsoft.com/es-419/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9 

Firefox. Version 18 

Select Firefox | History | Clear recent history. 1. 

Alongside “Details”, click on the down arrow. 2. 

Select the following checkboxes: Cookies, Cache, Active Logins 3. 

Using “Time range to clear” in the pull-down menu, select Everything. 4. 

Click on Clear Now. 5. 

Close and re-open the browser. 6. 

You can accept or reject the cookies individually in Firefox Preferences, in the History section available in Tools > Options > Privacy and Security. 

For more information on Mozilla Firefox, click here: https://www.mozilla.org/es-ES/privacy/websites/#cookies 

Safari Version 5.1 

Select the Safari icon / Edit | Restore Safari. 1. 

Select the following checkboxes: Clear history, Remove all website details 2. 

Click on Restore. 3. 

Close and re-open the browser. 4. 

For more information on Safari, click here: http://support.apple.com/kb/PH5042 


Options – Advanced – Cookies. The cookies options control the way in which Opera deals with them and, thus, whether they are accepted or rejected. For more information on Opera, click here: http://help.opera.com/Linux/10.60/es-ES/cookies.html 

Other browsers 

Consult the documentation for the browser you have installed. 

Information Message on Cookies 

We use our own and third-party cookies to improve our services and show you advertising related to your preferences by analysing your browsing habits. By clicking” we accept” consider this to mean that you accept their use. You may obtain more information in our “Cookies Policy”.I ACCEPT 


1.Information on the controller for processing of the data housed on the official website of ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. on the social network 

In compliance with the duty of information set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April (GDPR) and Organic Law (ES) 3/2018, of 5 December (LOPDGDD), ANIMAFEST, S.L.U., hereinafter the Controller, wishes to inform users of this social network of its policy regarding the processing and protection of the personal data of those persons who voluntarily access and use the official website of THE CONTROLLER therein. When users access and use this official website of THE CONTROLLER, it supposes that they explicitly accept this privacy policy and provide their consent for the processing of their personal data as provided for therein. 

2.Data of minors and the legally incapacitated 

Access to, and registration on this social network is prohibited for those younger than fourteen (14) years of age. Similarly, those under the age of fourteen (14) are also prohibited from accessing and using the CONTROLLER’s official website therein. If the user is legally incapacitated, the CONTROLLER hereby informs him/her that the agreed assistance of his/her parent or legal guardian, or his/her legal representative, is necessary for access to and use of this official website of the CONTROLLER. The CONTROLLER shall be explicitly exempted from any liability that might arise from the use of its official website by minors and the legally incapacitated, with said liability resting with his/her legal representatives in each case. 

3.Identification of the file controller’s business purpose 

The user is informed that the CONTROLLER, with registered office in C/ Salvador Espriu, 11 – 08389 Palafolls (Barcelona), is the controller for the files and processing by means of which the user’s personal data are collected and stored as a result of said user registering with and using the CONTROLLER’s official website, on this social network, without prejudice to the processing for which the owner of the social network in which our website is found is responsible. 

4.Purposes for which the personal data, information and consent are collected 

The personal data provided voluntarily by the user to the CONTROLLER, through its official website, will form part of data processing for which the CONTROLLER is responsible. The purpose of said processing is to offer the user information about the CONTROLLER, by e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities, or any other electronic or physical medium, present or future, which makes it possible to send commercial communications and newsletters to subscribed users, exchange information with the CONTROLLER and other users, and establish communication with third parties. 

From the moment the user uses this official website, he/she provides his/her free, unequivocal, specific, informed and explicit consent for the processing of his/her personal data by the CONTROLLER, for the correct provision of said services in accordance with the terms of this policy. 

The user is free to use the CONTROLLER’s official website, on this social network and, consequently, if the user does not agree with the processing of his/her data for said purposes, he/she must not use it or provide his/her personal data. 

The user can use this, the CONTROLLER’s official website, to share texts, photos, videos and other types of information and/or content, which will be subject both to this policy and to the Standards and Conditions that apply to the Platform. The user shall be responsible for ensuring that all the content he/she publishes complies with the current legislation, this policy and the Platform Standards. 

The user may only publish on this official CONTROLLER website personal data, photographs and information or other content for which he/she is the owner or proprietor or for which he/she has obtained the authorisation of third parties. 

The CONTROLLER shall have the right to delete from this official website – unilaterally and with no prior communication or user authorisation – any content published by the user when he/she infringes or breaches the current legislation, the standards set out in this policy and the Platform Standards. 

5.Identification of the recipients to whom the CONTROLLER is intending to transfer or communicate data 

The user is informed that any information and content published on the CONTROLLER’s official website on the social network may be seen by all other users of the official website and the social network platform. Consequently, all the information and content published by the user on the CONTROLLER’s official website on this social network will be communicated to the other users by the very nature of the service. 

The CONTROLLER only intends to transfer or communicate data to courts, tribunals, public administrations and competent authorities of an administrative nature that it is required to do by the current legislation. 

6.Other third-party service providers 

The CONTROLLER informs the user that this company is only the controller for, and guarantees the confidentiality, security and processing of the data under this policy for those user data of a personal nature that it collects via this official website on this social network; it cannot assume liability of any kind for subsequent processing and use of the personal data that might be carried out either by the owner of the social network or third-party information society service providers that might access said data through the provision of their services or the exercise of their activity, third parties establishing hyperlinks to the social network, or those controllers to whom the CONTROLLER refers users signed up to this official website via hyperlinks. 

7.Quality of the data 

The CONTROLLER informs users that, unless there is a legally constituted representation, no user may use the identity of another person and communicate his/her personal data; users must bear in mind at all times that they may only provide personal data corresponding to their own identity, and which must be appropriate, relevant, current, accurate and true. In any event, users must respect the privacy of third parties, whether or not the latter are users of the social network or of the CONTROLLER’s official website, on said social network. 

8.Rights assisting the Data Subject: 

Right to withdraw consent at any time 

Right of access, rectification, portability and erasure of your data and the right to restrict and object to them being processed. 

Right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (agpd.es) if you consider that the processing does not comply with the current legislation. 

9.Other information of interest 

The CONTROLLER may modify and/or replace this policy at any time; said policy may, depending on the case, replace, complete and/or modify the one currently published here. For this reason, users must access the policies periodically in order to stay up to date. 

Users may contact the CONTROLLER using the social network’s internal messaging service, or by using the following contact addresses and details: 

ANIMAFEST, S.L.U. Carretera de Sant Genis 10 – 08389 Palafolls (Barcelona)  

Users may also consult the standards and policies published by the owner of the social network for use thereof.